Tag Archives: winter

Happy 2010!


I have not been a very good blogger. Tsk tsk.

2009 was a very pleasant year. Let’s cross fingers for an even better 2010 to come.

A big snow storm 3 days ago crippled Beijing and since then, the temperature has dipped (CNN reported negative 20 Celsius!). It’s not very encouraging to know that when you go out, you’ll need to face the blasts of Siberian wind. It chills you to the bones. I dug up the above picture today while sifting through some movie set stuff. Looking at it reminds me of the beautiful grassland and warmer times. Literally.

This is also the third time in about a month that I haven’t been feeling so hot (the first time was an ulcer in my throat and now I think it’s mild bronchites!). Between that and the cold, I’ve pretty much barricaded myself indoor. Not necessarily a bad thing considering that January is awards application season… Good luck to everyone applying to any kind of photo award this year!